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About Us

Our Mission
Editorial Practice
Peer Review

Vanderbilt Historical Review is an undergraduate-run, peer-reviewed research journal that annually publishes substantive articles that demonstrate exemplary historical research, argumentation, and contribute uniquely to historical scholarship. VHR welcomes submissions from current undergraduates of national and international four-year institutions. 



VHR implements a double-anonymous review and feedback process, as well as a nonexclusive author agreement to maintain historical and personal professionalism and to counteract bias. The editorial team works collaboratively to make decisions about the focus and procedures of the journal over time. The final list of authors and their respective papers for each publication are reviewed by the Vanderbilt History Department Faculty Advisor. 


All identifying information of both the editor and author will be redacted to ensure anonymity.  Each submission will be assigned to three peer reviewers from VHR’s staff, and each of the three reviewers individually fill out a standardized VHR review form. Editors provide constructive and thoughtful feedback for all submissions. Feedback that Vanderbilt Historical Review’s editorial staff believes would be most helpful to the future publication of the submission will be provided via email. Final publication decisions will be made in consultation with the Editor in Chief. 




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